Story Journey: Dreamtime Horrors & Miracles

Enter Dreamtime. Discover how your psyche heals you and transforms your life as you sleep. Understand nightmares as psychic detox.

Course Summary

        Story Journey:

        Dreamtime Horrors & Miracles


        Experience Dreamtime in Realtime! I was seating watching TV about a woman who was being murdered with gas when I realized that I had the same sensations, went to the stove and there was a gas leak. I went to bed grateful that the universe had warned me and amazed at the incredible synchronicity… and then I had a terrible nightmare. Find out how this nightmare was cleansing me from the gas toxins. Enter Dreamtime to master your dreams. (Storybook. Downloadable. PDF Format)

        Story Alchemy

        Discover 5 different types of dreams and what to do with them, learn about the 5 different brain frequencies and borderline consciousness states and how to engage them for dreaming. Step by step guide for a Dream Water Bowl Ceremony to powerup your Dreams. Lists of crystals, herbs, flowers and tools to enhance your sleep and dreaming, links to resources and much more.

        Vibration Booster Audio (downloadable)

        The Vibration Booster Meditation Music (MP3 Audio) is the singular meditation sound that I use most. I created it with the use of Tibetan Singing Bowl and Spirit Chimes, my favorite meditation/healing musical instruments. Use it for the Dream Ceremony and as you sleep. Use it for meditation, relaxation and listen to it as you work to enter "The Zone".

        The Benefits

        This is a real life story that seems more fantastic than my fantasy stories!

        Here you will discover several magical realities:

        • The way that the Universe is in constant dialogue with us. How our Creation Partners from the Sacred World send us warning and guidance through Life Metaphors and other signs and experiences, including dreams.

        • What shamanic dreams and astral traveling may feel like. Have you had this experience? Have you visited parallel universes during Dreamtime without knowing?

        • The different states of consciousness and brain waves, the borderline states and how to use art, ceremony and border states to access Dreamtime.

        • Five types of dreams, how to recognize them and what to do.

        • How nightmares cleanse you from psychic toxins and more.

        • Alchemy and ceremonies to enter Dreamtime with conscious intention for healing, guidance and transformation.


Creative Activities:

  • 1.Journal Writing
  • 2.Dreamwork
  • 3.Ceremony
  • 4.Create Dream Pillows, teas and other tools


  • 1.Storybook: Dreamtime Horrors & Miracles. Download to your device. (PDF format)
  • 2.Introduction: DreamTime & Consciousness
  • 3.Story Alchemy: 5 Types of dreams and how they can help you.
  • 4.What to do: Step by step guide
  • 5.Ceremony: Dream Waters Ceremony
  • 6.Download: Vibration Booster (MP3 audio) Meditation Music
  • 7.Lists: Lists of crystals, herbs, flowers, essential oils and other tools and resources you need.
  • 8.My Dream Alchemy Tools (physical aids to your Dream Journey)
  • 9.Private Resources for you (Get private support for this journey at a fraction of premium prices)
  • 10.Resources: (online links to resources to learn more about Dreamtime)
  • 11.Community and Q&A

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Course Curriculum

Maria Mar

Are you struggling with putting your gifts “out there”? Then Maria is your guide to breaking free from the fears and limitations that steal your gifts from the world. Maria Mar is a storyteller, author, poet, performer, artist and shaman with more than 40 years of experience in transformation through the arts. She has helped creative women in three continents to embody their purpose, unfold their potential, share their gifts and awaken their creative genius. She is a scout for you during change and challenges and helps you go from where you are to where you want to be. Maria invites you to play for your transformation in a magical process that employs creativity to design the life you want. Maria specially loves to work with multi-talented women who are ready to be change-makers but struggle to integrate all their gifts to serve the world. Her shamanic stories are journeys of transformation, manifestation and liberation that lead to potent, immediate and deep changes in your real life.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

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