Shine Without Shame- Be the light the world needs now

Breaking free from top 5 challenges that keep women from shining their bold bright true colors and sharing their gifts to make a difference

Is this You?

  • :You're hiding in plain sight. You've been creating something that embodies your purpose or expresses your potential. Perhaps you are doing something new, exploring a new field. Maybe you are writing a book, creating a blog, developing a system of knowledge, or painting a series of art pieces. Maybe you've gather your experience into an a transformation that you want to lead others through. But every time you think of stepping into the limelight to make your creation public, the voices of fear drown your desire: fear of shining for fear of outshining others and being rejected, fear of visibility, fear of publishing, speaking in groups, doing videos or launching your offer. You feel that you are hiding in plain sight. No one sees the secret genius in you!
  • You've been pushing yourself to work hard. But when you don't see the results you want, you lose motivation and get distracted. Perhaps you go from one shiny object to the other ~from one course, training or coach to the other~ and when it does not work, you change direction again. Perhaps you lose your enthusiasm and get depressed and have to take time off. Perhaps you leave projects incomplete because you lose the drive to finish. Whatever your reaction is, it steals your consistency and you gain no traction. 
  • You compare yourself to those who are ahead of you and then feel intimidated to approach them. You look at the giants in your field and want to reach out, but you feel that you have nothing to offer, so you keep on working, trying to gain leverage, perfecting all your stuff. The more you work the farther away they seem, and you start feeling that you will never be good enough to be noticed by them. Without you even realizing it, a sense of unworthiness steals into your being and sabotages your confidence.
  • Fear of communicating a message and creating conflict holds you back. Your message is is innovative or different and can be controversial. Suddenly you have visions of people attacking you, of your peers rejecting you, of others accusing you of being an impostor.  Fears or being attacked, invalidated or involved in a yucky social media insult round paralyze you. You write articles, polish your message, write our book... but shelve your creations out of fear of being attacked if you launch your message. 
  • Working alone and by yourself, without support is depleting your energy. You spend more time tinkering and fine-tuning to make everything perfect than reaching out to those you can help. But then it's never good enough. so you don't launch. Or perhaps you do, but  get disappointed with the results and feel "What the point?" Nothing is changing. Your finances are dwindling and you are not moving ahead. You feel that you are running in place, working in isolation, like a mole. You end up feeling lonely, abandoned, a failure. After such a cycle, you end up exhausted, depressed, demotivated or even sick in your lonely struggle.  You give up or have to take time out to deal with the emotional crisis.

If any of this feels familiar, this journey is for you. 

The experience you are invited to is not about how-to do stuff. Often your to-do list is part of the problem. 

It is not about results, metrics or changing a set of habits for another.

It is a journey to shapeshift into a new way of being and seeing the world.

It is a ceremony for shedding the pile of masks ~false identities~ that have been hiding your shiny Sacred Self.

Discover how to release the fears and stories behind these top five challenges that steal your brilliance and your talents. 

Release the rags of restrictions, judgments and shaming that have been dumped over your Essence and feel your radiant self emerging. 

Your doing will change when the being doing the doing changes.

When you develop an expanded capacity to love yourself, to embrace joy, to feel your authority, beauty and value and to embrace your possibilities ~then what you struggle to get now will become who you are.

Journey with Maria Mar ~author, storyteller, shaman, transformation artist and women's self-actualization guide~ in a Sacred Journey where you will activate your creativity to change these old energy patterns, so that you adopt perceptions and responses that support your talents and connect your gifts to the world.

"The Universe does not give you what you want.
It gives you what you are."
Type something

Unlike many success trainings, this journey is not about results. It is about becoming.   It helps you vibrate at a frequency that opens the path to your brilliance and allows your dreams to emerge from within you and shape your reality.  

This journey is a virtual experience, self-paced, with a female-friendly integrative, embodied approach and including live events with Maria Mar.  

The world needs your gifts... it's time to step into your light!

Break through the fears that keep you from shining your bold bright beautiful colors in a holistic, creative and magical journey.

A holistic integrative approach

The limiting stories holding you back are not just mental beliefs. Imagine a holographic globe of emotions, memories, beliefs, expectations and ancestral traumas embedded in your energy field. Each time you try to move beyond your fears, the entire shebang is triggered and overlayed over your perception, distorting your current reality.

You need a holistic approach to re-weave that pattern into the brilliant life you want. You are a multi-layered being and it's all connected. Address emotions, mind, body, soul and spirit. Go to the core issues and the energy patterns holding them in place. This empowers you to change your limiting stories from within by reweaving the fabric of your being.  

Enjoy a creative transformation

Transformation is challenging.

Breakthroughs can be painful. But when you bring creativity, art and ceremony into the journey, it becomes a playful discovery!

The practice of Story Alchemy* is a blend of story-building ~rewriting your old stories. Combined with embodiment practices like BodySourcing* and ChiDances* ~ these processes empower you to re-weave your energy patterns so that you align with your dream, gifts and potential.

Maria combines this with Artchemy* projects where you use art as alchemy. Through collage-making and other easy arts and crafts, you bring hidden, invisible, intangible internal obstacles into the surface of your consciousness so that you can now change them.

*Trademark systems created by Maria Mar

A shamanic approach that can flip your world in a blink!

Both quantum and neuroscience are just  catching up with the shamans of old. They are recognizing shamanic principles such as the Twin Law of Energy and Attention, the power of acceptance, intention and gratitude and our core nature as energy beings as well as the power of sound and emotions to generate radical transformation.

Unfortunately, our Western culture traps us in a mental attitude that steals the wisdom of our heart, the truth in our body, the effectiveness of energy practices and the relevance of creativity and imagination in our transformation.

Break free of that mental cage and see your wings gracefully unfolding.

Why suffer through transformation when you can PLAY for it?

"Maria Mar and Yollana Shore, I just finished listening to your conversation in the storytelling video and had so many take-aways. When you began talking about the Prosperity Thermostat, it resonated very strongly. Financially, my parents never had enough as they grew up during the Great Depression so I realized I have been living a theme of "not enough." I look forward to working with my Ancestors in the process you described. Thank you both so much for this time and for sharing your conversation."

~Julie Holly

Inner Radiance Coaching

Personal and professional development designed for women

As a woman you face challenges and have gifts that are different from the male-dominated formulas available out there that often make you feel that there's something wrong with you. Explore a heart-based wisdom that comes from the Sacred Feminine School of Wisdom and gives you ways to change that resonate with you.

Discover the power of the creative-intuitive wisdom in your heart to find the path of least resistance, download entire blueprints in a giffy and find a shortcut to your dreams.

Includes a supportive community

Included in this program are two women communities: our free closed Butterfly Waves FB group for inspiration and celebration and our Butterfly Waves and a Premium Support Community here, on a private, secured platform for you to ask questions, join deep conversations and share your process in this journey.

What if change could be a magical journey?

What if the results you want did not have to come out of struggle, pushing, fixing or stressful approaches.

What if you could employ your creativity, enjoy your journey, discover your magic mojo and uncover your feminine gifts and in this exciting adventure you shifted your world and found yourself  "suddenly" inhabiting the dream that seemed so far?

There is a concept called Wu Wei that describes Lucid Living, when your goals are achieved without struggle because you live in the flow.

I call it streamliving. Streamworking. Streamhealing.

This journey is the portal to that way of life.

"I felt challenged and loved unconditionally at the same time. Gained insights, as well, and am using your book to inspire me further."

- Nancy Fairbrother

Course Summary

In this creative holistic journey, you will reweave the energy fields holding old limiting stories that keep you from shining in the world in your bright, bold, beautiful true colors and from sharing your gifts and talents with others to make a profound change in the world. 

You will combine shamanic insights, energy work and creative projects to dismantle the different layers in those old stubborn patterns in a way that will not push your mind, creating resistance ~but that uses your feminine gifts and way of learning to help you embody your vision, free your radiance and share your gifts joyfully and organically.

There is nothing to fix. You are not broken. Learn why your fears are sensible, how Historical Female Gender Trauma, Female Family Karma and current double standards are behind your fear and how to address this fear using your feminine gifts, creativity and holistic experiences -- so that the change will feel pleasurable, real, integrated and happening now, just as you are.

What you can accomplish

  •  Break free from the top 5 challenges that keep women from shining bright!
  •  Experience a creative-holistic approach to transformation that addresses all the layers needed to reweave your old patterns.
  •  Reweave the energy fields holding old limiting stories to rewrite your life
  •  Enjoy shamanic insights and tools that are practical spirituality empowering you to re-frame your obstacles into a bridge to your goals.
  • New to arts and crafts? Or perhaps you tend not to do it if left on your own? No problem. Join Maria and others every other week in the Artchemy Atelier.
  •  Have a ton of fun with the ChiDances ~sound and movement alchemies~ and feel it as you release the patterns keeping you stuck. You will have access to the live weekly ChiDance Lab to practice with Maria Mar.
  •  Address these five challenges that keep you from shining without shame:
  •  Challenge 1: Fear of shining and outshining others, then being rejected. Transform it into Illuminating the Circle of Life, so that you join those who are changing the vibration of the world.
  •  Challenge 2:Feeling frustrated with lack of results and getting distracted. Transmute it into Enjoyerney, where enjoyment becomes your compass.
  •  Challenge 3: Feeling intimidated about reaching to the "giants" in my field. Tranmute it into "I am Swan" the aligment with your unique genius and magnificence.
  •  Challenge 4: Fear or speaking or delivering new messages that are new, controversial or may produce discomfort. Transmute it into Pouring Love through your message, releasing how others respond.
  • Challenge 5: Working alone, feeling unsupported, fear of launching. Transmute it into Inlakesh: co-creating with clients and peers.
  • Do everything at your own pace in the privacy of your home.
  • Walk a path of the Sacred Feminine: enjoyment, creativity, heart-wisdom, embodiment and self-pacing in self-compassion. Feel the struggle dissolve as you embrace who you are now and release the stories hiding your radiance. It's always been there!
  • Includes access to two communities for celebrating, sharing, getting support and more.
  • Livetime access once you pay in full. You will have lifetime access to this edition of the journey and 50% off for new editions.
  • Maria Mar's book: "Shine without Shame: Invitation to the Peacock Sisterhood, digital 2019 edition."
  • Weekly access to the LIVE ChiDance Laboratory with Maria Mar to practice the ChiDances, ask questions and embody your change, releasing old patterns and aligning yourself with who you want to be and deeply, truly already are. Thursdays at 5PM EST.
  •  Biweekly access to the Artchemy Atelier to join Maria and others in creating your Artchemy Projects. Biweekly on Tuesdays at 5P EST.

 "I think just being able to name these challenges has propelled me on my way out of them. Maria Mar, your insights and thoughts are such powerful waves sent my way in this river of change I am swimming through.You are so generous in sharing your own story and experience of how you worked through these challenges." 

Pragalbha Doshi
Butterfly Woman and entrepreneur

Course Curriculum

Maria Mar

Are you struggling with putting your gifts “out there”? Then Maria is your guide to breaking free from the fears and limitations that steal your gifts from the world. Maria Mar is a storyteller, author, poet, performer, artist and shaman with more than 40 years of experience in transformation through the arts. She has helped creative women in three continents to embody their purpose, unfold their potential, share their gifts and awaken their creative genius. She is a scout for you during change and challenges and helps you go from where you are to where you want to be. Maria invites you to play for your transformation in a magical process that employs creativity to design the life you want. Maria specially loves to work with multi-talented women who are ready to be change-makers but struggle to integrate all their gifts to serve the world. Her shamanic stories are journeys of transformation, manifestation and liberation that lead to potent, immediate and deep changes in your real life.

Loved the practice! It is simple and beautiful! Felt very joyful and ecstatic!! this is a profound practice! I highly recommend it!!

- Debora Brodey
  Butterfly Woman and Sound healer

Payment Plans

Course Pricing

One Time full Payment

$750 USD

  • Includes everything with a $75 discount. Lifetime access to this edition and 50% discount on new ones.

    • Break free from the top 5 challenges that keep women from shining bright!
    • Change old patterns at the core: energy, emotions, alignment & beliefs.
    • Release the fear of shining and outshining others, then being rejected.
    • Transform the mindset that has you working alone and hiding in plain sight.
    • Address your fear of conflicts or attacks when you speak your truth.
    • Stop comparing yourself to others who seem to be way ahead in the game.
    • Learn how to avoid frustration and distraction when you don't see results.
    • Weekly access to the Live ChiDance Laboratory to transform energy patterns
    • Do it the Feminine Way: via enjoyment, creativity, embodiment, heart wissom
    • Fun Artchemy (Art as alchemy) projects to shift your mindset.
    • No rush! Take time to absorb, enjoy, digest, practice and integrate.
    • 22 Modules that take you through the journey of busting the 5 challenges.
    • Do everything at your own pace in the privacy of your home.
    • Preparation module with resources and practices to rock this journey.
    • Videos with shamanic insights, tools and shifts to change your mindset.
    • Videos that walk you through each ChiDance into breakthrough.
    • Private community where you can post your practices for feedback & support.
    • Post Private questions and get prompt answers.
    • Quizzes to make sure you are ready for the next step.
    • Artchemy templates to reframe each challenge into radiance.
    • Final Module to integrate and implement the wisdom into your shiny launch.
    • Bonus Module revealing feminine principles of collaboration for success.
    • Includes book "Shine without Shane: Invitation to the Peacock Sisterhood."
    • Lifetime access to all materials once you pay in full. *
    • 14 days full refund guarantee.
YES! I want this!
Most popular

3-months Payment Plan

$275 USD

per month

  • Includes everything in a 3-month payment plan. You pay 3 months, but continue the journey at your pace and retain life access.

    • Break free from the top 5 challenges that keep women from shining bright!
    • Change old patterns at the core: energy, emotions, alignment & beliefs.
    • Release the fear of shining and outshining others, then being rejected.
    • Transform the mindset that has you working alone and hiding in plain sight.
    • Address your fear of conflicts or attacks when you speak your truth.
    • Stop comparing yourself to others who seem to be way ahead in the game.
    • Learn how to avoid frustration and distraction when you don't see results.
    • Weekly access to the Live ChiDance Laboratory to transform energy patterns.
    • Do it the Feminine Way: viaenjoyment, creativity, embodiment, heart wissom.
    • Fun Artchemy (Art as alchemy) projects to shift your mindset.
    • No rush! Take time to absorb, enjoy, digest, practice and integrate.
    • 22 Modules that take you through the journey of busting the 5 challenges.
    • Do everything at your own pace in the privacy of your home.
    • Preparation module with resources and practices to rock this journey.
    • Videos with shamanic insights, tools and shifts to change your mindset.
    • Videos that walk you through each ChiDance into breakthrough.
    • Private community where you can post your practices for feedback & support.
    • Post private questions and get prompt answers from me.
    • Quizzes to make sure you are ready for the next step.
    • Artchemy templates to reframe each challenge into radiance.
    • Final Module to integrate and implement the wisdom into your shiny launch.
    • Bonus Module revealing feminine principles of collaboration for success.
    • Includes book "Shine without Shane: Invitation to the Peacock Sisterhood."
    • Lifetime access to all materials once you pay in full. *
    • 14 days full refund guarantee.
YES! I want this!

Why struggle with transformation when you can play for it?
Join Maria Mar to playfully break through the top five challenges
keeping you from shining bright and sharing your gifts

Click here to select your payment plan. 
Be sure to read our Terms of Service before buying.

Terms of Service

Terms and Conditions

By registering in this journey, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

Full Refund Guarantee

Once you register you have 14 days to test drive the journey. This will allow you to through the introduction, overview, introductory concepts and the first challenge and its alchemy.  If you do not like it, contact us using the support link in the top menu and we will do a full refund for you.

It may take a while, as the fee goes through several channels before entering our bank. But we will let you know when to expect it.

No problems. No questions.

After the 14 days, there is no refund. If you choose a payment plan, you agree to be charged the monthly fee for three months and you get access to the next milestones to keep moving.

  • Life-time Access
  • After you pay in full, you have lifetime access. This is a general time that means that as long as the program is housed in this site and Maria is around, you have access to the version of the program you purchased.
  • If at any time we take off the program, then that life-time access is finished.
  • If Maria is no longer around ~Goddess willing she's around for a long time~ then it is obvious that the lifetime access will expired.
  • If Maria creates a new version of the journey/program, then you will be offered a 50% discount to join, as new versions are redesigned, updated and contain some more juicy stuff, maybe even more live events, etc.
Other than that, you have access to this journey as is for as long as you want.

Full Payment by mutual agreement
You have the choice to pay in full one time or to pay in three installmens. After the 14 day grace period, if you choose to remain in the journey; then you are making a commitment to finish the three payments to cover the full cost of the journey.

The journey's modules are dripped. You will have access to several modules during the grace period, so that you can get the approach, principles and experience. After that, modules are dripped once a week.

If your payments stop before the three months are over, you lose access to the modules.

If you pay in full, you continue to have lifetime access and can go at your pace. No rush.

You get access to the ChiDance Lab for the three months that the course is life. After that, you can choose to stay at a discount. You also get access to the Artchemy Atelier every other way, in the same terms.


The materials in this journey are the intellectual property of Maria Mar. You are not authorized to teach it to others unless you purchase a Teaching License, where available.
Neither Maria Mar nor ShamansDance Publishing & Productions offer any warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results you will have in this journey. Maria is sharing decades of experience helping women in three continents. But results cannot be predicted, as each person brings different experiences and obstaces, does the workd and practice in different ways and comes with a different mindset.

The best effort has been done to make this journey effective, easy to walk through, fun and accessible. But no guarantees can be made as to results.

We welcome your feedback in the community thread, via the support link or email. We create our offers in co-creation with our clients and are always listening to what worked or not for you to improve the experience.

We cannot make any guarantees on the reliability of the use of these materials on the Zenler site, the Internet or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site; as we have no control over this.

If you have technical problems, please contact Zenler.

For any other problems, contact Maria using the available links in your course.


In no event shall Maria Mar, ShamansDance Publishing & Productions or Zenler or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption,) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials in this site. 

Live Events

This journey includes free access to the ChiDance Lab for 3 months. The ChiDance lab takes place every Thursday from 5PM to 7PM EST.  Maria works with members on a first-come, first-serve basis, so show up early if you need individualized help. If you do not show up, then you lose that session. Make sure to include it in your calendar with the Zoom links. These links change periodically, so stay in touch.

This journey also includes access to the Artchemy Atelier. While Maria has videos for any project posted, you may have questions or want to enjoy the company. So you are welcome to join the atelier and work on your project. Maria will be working on hers and so will everyone else. If you have questions or run into problems, you are welcome to ask Maria. Artchemy Atelier sessions are the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 5 to 7PM EST.

Your live events access goes on for 3 months, so you have ample time to practice, ask questions and work with Maria Mar.


We have not reviewed all of the sites linked to this Internet web site and are not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by us of the site. Use of any such linked web site is at the user's own risk.

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Company may revise these terms of use for its web site at any time without notice. By using this web site you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use. We will send notices of any changes on our side.

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Any claim relating to Companies web site shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

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Read more on Cookie Policy here.

Copyright @ Story Alchemy. All rights reserved

Story Alchemy - Powered By Zenler

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The live events consist of free access to the ChiDance Lab. It takes place every Thursday at 5 PM to 7 PM EST.

You also have access to the Artchemy Atelier sessions, which are the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 5 to 7PM EST.

Maria works with members on a first-come, first-serve basis, so show up early if you need individualized help. If you do not show up, then you lose that session. Make sure to include it in your calendar with the Zoom links. These links change periodically, so stay in touch.  The live events go on for 3 months, so you have ample time to practice, ask questions and work with Maria Mar.

Once you register you have 14 days to test drive the journey. 
This will allow you to through the introduction, overview and the first flip experience.

If you do not like it, contact us using the support link in the top menu and we will do a full refund for you.

 It may take a while, as the fee goes around before entering our bank. But we will let you know when to expect it.

No problems. No questions.  

After that, there is no refund. If you choose a payment plan, you agree to be charged the monthly fee for three months and you get access to the next milestones to keep moving.

Maria believes in enjoyment, playful exploration and time to absorb and integrate between sessions.

This journey has 21 milestones. Each milestone has about 3 to 5 steps.  

The idea is that you do small shifts each day that add up in the long run. And to practice them during the week for consistency.

After that you can proceed at one step per day.  But if you are too busy, need to take it slower or for any reason feel to skip days or go over something or perhaps the craft project for a Milestone takes longer ~then you are encouraged to slow down.  

As long as you stay the full course and do not cancel, you have life access to the materials. (As long as they are housed in this site and up and running.)

There is no rush. Have fun. Enjoy it!  

The live events go on for 3 months so you can get a grip on the ChiDances. After that, if you paid the full three months, you can keep going at your own pace. If you want to keep going with the live events, you get a discount.